When you are depressed, anxious, or stressed, your heart rate and blood pressure increase, blood flow to your heart decreases, and your body produces high levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. Eventually, these consequences can result in heart disease. Depression and distress might tend to cultivate after cardiac episodes, involving strokes, and heart attacks. For numerous years, scientists have learned about the alliance between depression and heart disorders. More than a quarter of cardiac patients withstand depression, and people with depression are more plausible to develop cardiac disease. When people are stressed, anxious or depressed, they can feel overwhelmed and therefore less inclined to make healthy lifestyle choices. They are more likely to smoke, not exercise, sleep too much or too much, drink too much alcohol and not be able to take the prescribed medicine. Over time, these unhealthy habits can boost the risk of heart disease. Depression can make it arduous to eve...
Dr. Ranjit Jagtap is a functioning individual from the Indian Association of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeons (IACTS).