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Things you should avoid if you are a heart patient

Sunday to Monday, your heart works non-stop to ensure a smoothly-moving life, even when you are on leave. Ever wondered if there are certain factors that make your heart’s work easier or difficult? If not, then the answer is yes. Like you and every human being, your work is affected by certain factors, says Dr Ranjit Jagtap Daughter. And when your heart’s working is affected, it causes challenges for your life because this fist-sized organ pumps blood to all the organs of your body to keep your life moving. 

If you want to take good care of your heart, so that your life keeps on moving smoothly, then there are certain things that you have to adapt and certain that you need to avoid. Today, we are going to enlist some of those preventive points that you must take care of to ensure a healthy life for your heart and yourself. Here’s a list of preventive measures to keep your heart healthy and happy. 

1. Avoid junk and fast food 

Food is the fuel for the vehicle of life. So, it is better to start with eating habits. When your eating habits are concerned, we know how important it is to have healthy food including plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. It is equally important for you to avoid junk and fast items which are quite prevalent among the population these days. These junk food items contain a lot of oil and calories which will add to the bad cholesterol in your body and can cause various fatal heart diseases. So, it is necessary to avoid these items from your diet as much as possible according to the best heart surgeon in Mumbai. 

2. Avoid too much sugar and oily items 

Eating homemade and healthy food doesn’t mean it is always healthy. Even if your meal is home-cooked, you still need to keep track of certain factors. Make sure that the food cooked in your home is prepared in less oil and sugar if it is some dessert, especially saturated fats. Try using minimum oil in your food and switch to heart-healthy oils such as sunflower oil, peanut oil, and olive oil. Add items in your diet that lowers harmful low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol that keeps your heart healthy. 

3. Avoid smoking or alcohol consumption 

If you are a heart patient, and even if not, smoking and alcohol consumption is not only bad for your heart, but also for various parts of your body including your respiratory system, says Aditi Jagtap Pune. Smoking and consuming alcohol don't do anything good to anyone. Opposite to it, these habits only worsen your health and your connections - social, personal and emotional. Not only heart diseases, but these habits also make a person a bait for other fatal diseases like cancer. It is always advised to limit or avoid your temptations toward smoking, alcohol or any kind of tobacco. 



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